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Monday, November 14, 2011

Nworldmig33 community


Nworldmig33 is one of the online Nepali developing community,specially dedicated for nepali mig33 users.As far as i know,we nepalese mig users are sick of using foriegn mig33 system and their favoritism concept on their own pride.Compromising in the lead of the foreign concept we are suffocating,aren't we?

So why to be back of others suffocating our pride and ownself..this is not fair.We also have our ability to use mig33 on our own way on our own concept with our pride of being nepali.Always being controlled by foriegn system sick of that Nevertheless

this is the best idea i got to prove ourself that we nepalese also can use mig33 on our own way.We have to prove ourself that we are also far better then other,so with such above concept we released this nworld version and officialwebsites of mig33 for Nepalese pride.

Nworldmig33 is the nepaliworld of mig33 which clearify the background of the nepali users,i wanted to expose the hidden talency of those who have talent.I know there are many users who are really needed to our community so please join us my dear friends lets express us in world so that we can prove ouself ..Nothing is impossible for us.

We nepalese are also equally as qualified as others.My dear friends our community main theme is to expose all of our hidden talency through Nworld to world.Lets get going together and prove we are something.Lets use mig33 on our own dignity,curiosity with our own new idea.Thanks........

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